Every Friday I tell a story. Take your guess on whether it’s true or false.
I’m sitting at Starbucks with my oldest, enjoying a cup of overpriced and heavily sugared coffee, when an older female walks in. Not a gray strand of hair is outta place, her sunglasses are probably Prada, and her outfit most likely costs more than my car. I mean, she reeks of money and is the type to say something like, “Well I never.”
But I guess even the rich have their own set of problems. You see, she must have thrown on a pair of pants she had on the day before because her PANTIES were hanging out the bottom of her pants. Do you hear me? Her panties were hanging out the bottom of her pants.
And I get it because to be completely honest, it happened to me in high school. Thank God they didn’t fall out because I never would’ve lived that down and we all remember how cruel high school could be.
I decide that when she walks past again, to leave, I will be a Good Samaritan and let her know. Only thing is I don’t get the chance.
Her panties fall out of her pants. Right onto the Starbucks floor!
Another Good Samaritan saw the lady drop something and goes to pick it up. You should’ve seen his face when he realized he was about to pick up this lady’s DIRTY DRAWS!
At this point, Amani and I are at our table watching this entire thing go down. I’m trying not to laugh too loud and am totally losing the battle.
The man is a trooper though. He picks up the dirty draws and catches her right as she’s walking out the door.
He’s like, “Ma’am, I think you dropped these.”
Sunglasses still on her face and her coffee in her left hand, she turns around and looks at what Superman is holding in his hands. Her hand flies to her chest and she says, “Those aren’t mine!”
The nerve, y’all. The nerve.
Superman doesn’t back down. This guy smirks and says, “You sure about that?”
The lady might have slapped him if they weren’t in Starbucks. Instead, she gasps, pushes her sunglasses higher on her nose, and walks out, leaving him standing there.
He just chuckled and threw the dirty draws in the Starbucks trash.
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