
10 Tips for WFH Through COVID-19

I’ve been working from home (WFH) part-time for upwards of 5 years. Although I could WFH full-time I’ve always chosen to do it part-time…up until now.

With COVID-19, everything has changed. I live in the worst affected area in Ohio, Cuyahoga County. And as of March 23, 2020 at 11:59 PM, we are under a Stay at Home Order. Only the essential stores are open and we are to, obviously, stay at home.

The streets are clear. Schools are not physically open. There is no more rush hour. Everything. Has. Changed.

This means I am now WFH full-time. My husband is WFH full-time. Our oldest is now in some weird version of homeschooling where she attends through online measures and I do my best to guide because, to be honest, high school classwork was never my strongest skill. Our youngest’s daycare recently closed and she is also at home now, watching a lot of Disney+.

These new normals have proven to be just as difficult as they have been promising. We’ve gotten closer as schedules have opened up. We’ve baked, snuggled, binged, and done much of nothing. That’s been great. They’ve been great. Me, though? I may or may not have an unhealthy dose of cabin fever; it varies by the hour and is widely based on the opinions of those around me.

I realized that because this is a new normal, I need to establish an alternate routine that helps vaporize as much cabin fever as possible.

Because of that, I’m relying on a few tried and true tips that have helped me with WFH through the years and I am sharing because so many of us are in the same boat. It’s not a one-size-fits-all type of deal. What works one day doesn’t always work the next, but it’s a start.

  1. Make a Tentative Schedule for Yourself
    When I would go into the office I made sure I had coffee and my lunch packed. Now I get up early enough to have 30 minutes to an hour of quiet time to plan out the things I need to do.
  2. Make a Tentative Schedule for Your Kids
    This doesn’t have to be an hour by hour schedule but possibly a list of things for your kid to do or accomplish, such as 30 minutes of reading, ABCs, gaming or chores. Keep it simple and work up to more.
  3. Get Moving
    Step away from your computer once an hour and take a lap around your home. Stretch your legs, roll your shoulders and rotate your neck.
  4. Limit Online Time
    When we get bored the first instinct is to often pick up our phone. But this is also how we lose track of time the easiest so limit phone time as much as possible.
  5. Take Your Breaks
    You are owed a lunch break and in some cases, two 15-minute breaks. Please take them. This helps break up the time and minimize eye strain.
  6. Plan Time for Yourself
    This is hard but in the life of appointments, make one for yourself. This could include meditation at 6 (am or pm) or movies at 10. Just take yourself on a date.
  7. Get Dressed
    Even if you don’t put on work clothes, change out of your pajamas. I used to love working in my pajamas but I found myself sleepier throughout the day and in the wrong mindset. When I’m in my pajamas I’m not doing anything. So to trick my brain, I have to change clothes when I wake up.
  8. Exercise
    If possible, get your blood flowing the same way it would flow if you had to take a five minute walk into your office building. And it’s even better if you can do more like 10 jumping jacks, push-ups, a walk around the block, or a YouTube workout.
  9. Schedule a Virtual Happy Hour
    I heard this on the radio and thought it was such a great idea. Using a tool like Zoom, House Party, Skype, FaceTime or Google Duo, schedule a time to catch up with friends and family. Grab a bottle of wine, beer or water and go to town with the latest gossip about your coworkers.
  10. Create an Environment
    I am a plant lover so greenery makes me happy. I also have a waterfall and some fresh candle scents. When I need to relax even more I’ll put on Spa Music and really try to find my zen place. For you, this could include cracking a window and yelling “Get back inside” to your neighbors. It’s all up to you.

Take care of yourself! We’re going to get through this. And if something has been working for you, please share with others in the comments below.

Just, Cori

Wife, mom, creator. In that order. Always never writing and doing the most of nothing. Sweet and spicy pickles are my jam as long as they're crunchy.

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